Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sometimes We are Better Off Going Back to Bed

Do you ever have one of those days when everything goes wrong and nothing seems to go right? Mine began innocently enough. I left my cell phone at my daughter's violin lesson the night before.    I could not find the car key.  I had broken the hoop off before and the key has no ring to attach to.  I had also lost the other key which had the same problem.  I have five children to take to school in the mornings- every morning.  So I am looking for the key  before we have to leave and realize I cannot find it!  So I haul everyone out of the car and we all make a mad dash for the bus.  We make it in time.  I had a friend take me to my husband's car at the park and ride.  It is only two miles away and an easy walk but I blew my knew out playing tennis and it is healing.  I proceed to come back home and tear everything apart looking for the ^%(^ key.  I call my husband to let him know and we both decide that we need to get a new key. $180.00 dollars later I now have two new keys  with holes in them for key rings.  I pick up my daughter from Kindegarten and have lunch.  I continue looking for said key.  It has the remote sensor in it which actually would have been another 100.00 for the key.  Hence, no remote in the new one.  I do some cleaning.  I then take my daily shower with the full knowledge that the kids all were told to take the bus home from school.  When I get out of the shower my phone rings and it is hubby telling me that our daughter called and could not remember to take the bus or wait for parent pick up.  Hubby told her parent pick up. Still dripping shower water  I grab my youngest daughter and high tail it to school to pick up the oldest.  I am already 10 minutes late.  I get there and there is no daughter or the neighbor's girl who is coming home with my oldest.  She remembered to take the bus home.  I turn around and high tail back to the house becasue now I have two 7 years olds alone in the house.  On the way home my gas light comes on.  I am out of gas!  I get home and the two girls are acting very responsible.  I pick them up and go get gas, then pick up hubby from bus stop then home to drink wine and go to bed.
It was a stressful day.  I thought it was a bad day but here goes the glass half full approach.

1.  My family is all healthy
2. The phone was not lost and it was safe.
3.  The key was replaced
4.  We made the bus on time.
5.  I actually had a friend that could give me a ride.
6.  The girls were safe and acting responsible.
7.  I did not run out of gas.

So though the day was stressful not bad.


  1. Those days certainly promote giving in to the bed which has been calling you since the 'too early' 6AM alarm went off..... ah yes! but then there's always tomorrow! :)

  2. I know, I was in bed by 8:30. Everything turned out alright in the end and that is what really matters.
